FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

In this page you will find answers to the Bursar's most frequently asked questions by students and families. You can click on the "Category" drop down menu below or type a keyword in the "Search FAQ" box, then click on "Apply Filters" to see the results. You can also scroll down to view all FAQs.

If the answer to your question is not listed here, please submit a Contact Us form. A Bursar representative will respond as soon as possible.


General Questions

I am experiencing difficulty reaching your office by phone. Is there another way that I can ask a question?

Yes, please click on the "Contact" link at the top of this page to send an e-mail message. Our staff will respond to inquiries as soon as possible.

I can't log in as an Authorized Payer to the payment website with my password. What do I do?

Authorized Payers can reset a password by following the steps below:

  • Navigate to public.lionpath.psu.edu and click "Login" in the Authorized Payer section.
  • Enter your authorized user ID and click on "Forgot Password"
  • Enter the email address associated with your Authorized Payer access, and click "Continue"
  • Your user name, a temporary password, and a link to log in will be emailed to you. When you log in, you will be prompted to change your password.
  • If you are unsuccessful, your student will need to reset your Authorized Payer password.

Steps for students to reset the Authorized Payer password:

  • Log in to your Student Home Base in LionPATH
  • Click on "My Finances" on top of the page
  • Select “Manage My Account/ Make A Payment” to get to your Student Account Dashboard
  • Once on your Student Account Dashboard, click on your name, and then in the “Payers” section of the page, click on the pencil icon next to the name of the Authorized Payer
  • You will see the Authorized Payer name and email address, and payer access. Verify that the email address is correct.
  • Click "Resend payer invitation" to generate a new email invitation with a temporary password
Why doesn't the student account statement reflect all of the aid listed on my Aid Offer?

Penn State issues monthly student account statements. Your student account statement reflects the  anticipated aid information that is available at the time of billing.

To view up-to-date anticipated aid, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Student Home Base in LionPATH
  2. Click on "My Finances" on top of the page
  3. Select "Manage My Account/Make A Payment" to go to your Student Account Dashboard
  4. Click on "Activity Details" on the left side menu to view each anticipated aid source 

Once a student account statement is issued it is static. Any activity occurring after the student account statement is issued will appear on the "Account Details" and will be listed on the next student account statement.

Please note: the awarding and disbursement of financial aid is managed by the Office of Student Aid. To submit an email inquiry to the Office of Student Aid, go to: https://studentaid.psu.edu/resources/contact-us

When will the link to the Installment Payment Plan be available?

The link to enroll in the Installment Payment Plan will be available once the first billing statement of the semester is issued (January for spring, May for summer, and August for fall). The student and any authorized payers on the account will receive an email when the statement is ready to view/pay. 

Once the link to enroll in the Installment Payment Plan is available, you can follow these steps:


  1. Log in to your Student Home Base in LionPATH
  2. Click on "My Finances" on top of the page
  3. Select "Manage My Account/Make A Payment" to get to your Student Account Dashboard
  4. Click on “Payment Plans” on the left side menu and click on “View payment plan options”
  5. Follow the instructions to enroll in the Installment Payment Plan

If you are unable to access the Student Account Dashboard through the link “Manage My Account/Make A Payment” in LionPATH, please make sure your pop-up blockers have been disabled.

Authorized Payers:

  1. Log in to the Student Account
  2. Once on the Student Account Dashboard, click on the “Payment Plans” on the left side menu and click on “View payment plan options”.

Additional information is available on the Payment Options section of the Bursar's website.  


When will my external award (outside scholarship) show on my account?

Our office enters awards as promptly as possible and in the order the awards are received. Please monitor your student account frequently.  Your student account and billing statement will reflect the award once the funds have been received and processed by our office. Due to heavy volume during the months of July, August, November, and December, it can take a few weeks for the award to appear on your billing statement. The earlier you submit checks, the more likely your award will be reflected on your initial tuition bill.  Please note that external awards do not appear as anticipated aid.

More information is available on the External Awards section of the Bursar's website.

Can I charge bookstore purchases to my Penn State student account?

All registered students who attend PSU are eligible to purchase books at a PSU bookstore/PSU Bookstore online** and have the option to add the bookstore charges to their Penn State student account. Your Penn State ID is required at the time of purchase.

** Penn State World Campus students can purchase course materials at any PSU bookstore and add the charges to their PSU student account. Please note, purchases made at MBS Direct/Barnes and Noble will continue to be paid at the point of sale, rather than via the student's PSU student account. Penn State World Campus students may purchase course materials from MBS Direct/Barnes and Noble or from other vendors. For more information, please visit the Penn State World Campus student website.

Bookstore purchase information.

About eStatement

How do I claim a PA 529 Guaranteed Savings Plan tuition payment?

If you are planning on using Pennsylvania 529 GSP funds, please follow the steps below:

Student Instructions

  1. After you receive an e-mail notification that your billing statement is available, log in to your Student Home Base in LionPATH
  2. Click on "My Finances" on top of the page
  3. Select "Manage My Account/Make A Payment" to get to your Student Account Dashboard
  4. Select "Statements" on the left side menu
  5. Click “Save” to download and save a PDF copy of the Billing Statement for the account owner to submit with the Payment Authorization Form(PAF)or with an online qualified withdrawal.

The PA 529 GSP payment, as well as any additional personal payment being made by other means, must be received by the statement due date in order to avoid any late fees.

Account owner instructions

  1. Complete the Payment Authorization Form (PAF) provided by PA 529 GSP or access your account online at www.pa529.com to print a PAF or complete a qualified withdrawal online.
  2. If completing a qualified withdrawal online, upload an electronic copy of the billing statement(see #4 above).
  3. If completing a paper PAF, mail or fax both the PAF and the copy of the billing statement to PA 529 GSP.

PA 529 Guaranteed Savings Plan
Processing Center
PO Box 55463
Boston, MA 02205
Fax: 617-559-2452

Please note: Penn State cannot request funds from a PA 529 GSP account on behalf of the account owner. Therefore, please DO NOT mail your PAF to Penn State.

PA 529 GSP mails PAFs in July or early August for the fall semester and in October for the spring semester. Summer PAFs are provided upon individual request. Additionally, a PAF can be obtained online at www.pa529.com or by calling 1-800-440-4000.

What if I have a third party paying my Student Account Statement?

Authorized Payer access should not be granted to employers, organizations, sponsors, or other third-party organizations. Instructions on how to grant authorized payer access to the student account.

Billing/Payment Problems

I mailed my payment, where is it?

Please allow 7-10 business days for your payment to be received and posted to the student account.  We receive an extremely high volume of payments at the start of the semester. Additional processing time can be expected during this time. Please monitor your student account. 

If the check has cleared your bank account, please fax a copy of the front and back of your check to 814-865-2979. Please include the PSU ID and name of the student.

As a reminder, payments made online are posted immediately to the student account.

eStatement Payment and Payment Options

What payment options do I have?

Payments can be made by electronic check (eCheck), credit/debit card (a 2.25% service fee applies), or paper check. Payments made online by eCheck or credit card are immediately posted to the student account. Mailed payments can take between 5 and 10 days to be received and processed.  Cash payments are discouraged. Do not mail cash.

See the payment options section of the Bursar's website.

Financial Aid

General Questions

How do I get financial aid?

If you are interested in student aid, contact the Office of Student Aid or the student aid representative at your Penn State Campus.


General Questions

If the student is entitled to a refund, how will it be handled?

When all University charges have been satisfied and the financial aid creates an overpayment, the student is entitled to a refund. Refunds can be electronically deposited into their bank account by signing up for eRefund. See more information on Penn State's Refund Policy.

Why have I not received my refund?

There could be several reasons why your refund has not been processed. Here are some possible reasons:

  1. If a payment was made by personal check, a refund will not be processed for 14 days from receipt of that payment.
  2. If you are signed up for eRefund, the account information provided may be incorrect. If this is the case, you will receive an email notification.
  3. Paper refund checks are only printed and mailed once weekly. We strongly recommend signing up for eRefund for faster receipt of any future refunds. 
  4. You have not "accepted" your loans/financial aid in LionPATH.
  5. Your financial aid has not disbursed into your account. The Office of Student Aid is responsible for disbursing your financial aid.