What is an "Exit Interview"?
If you have a Federal Perkins/University/Primary Care student loan(s), Federal Regulations and school policy require students who are no longer enrolled, or enrolled less than half-time, complete student loan exit counseling. Through this exit counseling, you will be informed of your rights and responsibilities regarding your student loans. Exit interviews provide a complete explanation of repayment, deferment and cancellation privileges.
If you are graduating or your enrollment falls below half-time status, you will receive an e-mail invitation to conduct an Online Exit Interview Session.
If you withdraw or are enrolled less than half-time and do not receive an email invitation to complete exit counseling, please contact Student Financial Services using the Contact Us form in our website and an invitation with instructions will be emailed to you. Paper exit counseling packets are available upon request. Please note, a registration hold will be placed if exit counseling is not completed.
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