Tax Forms

Tax Form Name


Tax Form Name

Form 8863



Form 8863 must be completed and returned with your Tax Return if you are eligible for the Education Credits. 

Tax Form Name

Form W-9S


If you are a United States citizen or a United States resident alien and have not provided the University your Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), complete Form W-9S. Your SSN or ITIN is required by law. It will be maintained securely and utilized by the Pennsylvania State University for tax reporting purposes. 

Mail Completed Form to:

Office of the Bursar
Attn: Tax Credit Department
Pennsylvania State University
103 Shields Building
664 Curtin Road
University Park, PA 16802

Tax Form Name

Form 1098-T


Eligible educational institutions file this form with the IRS for each student they enroll and for whom a reportable transaction is made. 

Tax Form Name

Publication 970


This IRS publication explains tax benefits for education that may be available to you if you are saving or paying education costs for yourself or, another student who is a member of your immediate family.