FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

In this page you will find answers to the Bursar's most frequently asked questions by students and families. You can click on the "Category" drop down menu below or type a keyword in the "Search FAQ" box, then click on "Apply Filters" to see the results. You can also scroll down to view all FAQs.

If the answer to your question is not listed here, please submit a Contact Us form. A Bursar representative will respond as soon as possible.

Change of Address

General Questions

How do I change my address with the University?

Students can update their personal information, including their home address, online at accounts.psu.edu.


General Questions

What is the SHIP (Student Health Insurance Premium) charge on my student account?

International students and students in the College of Medicine are required to have adequate health insurance coverage while enrolled at Penn State. These students must provide proof of health insurance coverage that meets certain criteria or purchase Student Health Insurance (SHIP) for Penn State.

Please note, Penn State has adjusted the billing process for international students for 2019. Beginning in fall 2019, international students will see their insurance premium added to their student bursar account.

If you have any questions about SHIP for Penn State, please contact the Student Health Insurance Office at [email protected] or by phone at 814-865-4847 option 6.

For additional information about health insurance requirements and the SHIP for Penn State, including rates and deadlines go to: Health Insurance | Penn State Student Affairs (psu.edu)

Can each of my authorized payers enroll in the Installment Payment Plan?

We understand that in some situations two people would like to split the balance for a single student and each be on an installment payment plan to do so. However, our system is designed to accommodate only one payment plan per student per semester. Either the student or an Authorized Payer on the student account can sign up for the Installment Payment Plan each semester. 

More information is available on the Installment Payment Plan section of this website.

When will my external award (outside scholarship) show on my account?

Our office enters awards as promptly as possible and in the order the awards are received. Please monitor your student account frequently.  Your student account and billing statement will reflect the award once the funds have been received and processed by our office. Due to heavy volume during the months of July, August, November, and December, it can take a few weeks for the award to appear on your billing statement. The earlier you submit checks, the more likely your award will be reflected on your initial tuition bill.  Please note that external awards do not appear as anticipated aid.

More information is available on the External Awards section of the Bursar's website.

What is the University Health Services Charge on my Student Account?

University Health Services (UHS) submits patients' bills to their insurance companies. If UHS is in-network with your plan, UHS will accept what your insurance company pays and only charge you for co-pays, co-insurance, and deductibles. If your insurance company does not cover a service, you may be liable for that portion of the bill also.  If UHS is out-of-network with your insurance company you may be responsible for the entire amount of the bill.

 Please note, the date of the charge on the student account is not the same date when the service was received. The date on the student account is when the UHS charge posted to the student account after the health service received has gone through the billing process indicated above with an insurance company, and/or when the charge is posted to the student account by UHS. To view details on the services received and the exact date, log in to view/print your bill from myUHS.

 Based on confidentiality of student records, the Office of the Bursar has no specific information about student health service charges. If you have a question about health service charges, please call University Health Services at 814-865-3465, option 3.

More information on billing of medical services is available on the Student Affairs website

Can I charge bookstore purchases to my Penn State student account?

All registered students who attend PSU are eligible to purchase books at a PSU bookstore/PSU Bookstore online** and have the option to add the bookstore charges to their Penn State student account. Your Penn State ID is required at the time of purchase.

** Penn State World Campus students can purchase course materials at any PSU bookstore and add the charges to their PSU student account. Please note, purchases made at MBS Direct/Barnes and Noble will continue to be paid at the point of sale, rather than via the student's PSU student account. Penn State World Campus students may purchase course materials from MBS Direct/Barnes and Noble or from other vendors. For more information, please visit the Penn State World Campus student website.

Bookstore purchase information.

Can I make a payment from an international bank account?

Yes, Penn State has partnered with Flywire to process international payments. To initiate an international payment with Flywire, please start your payment process by logging into LionPATH. To learn more about Flywire, please visit the International Payments section of our website.

Does Flywire offer price matching if I find a better rate?

Yes, Flywire aims to provide the best price for international payments. If you are making a local currency bank transfer and find a better rate with your bank, Flywire will match it with their Best Price Guarantee

I am experiencing difficulty reaching your office by phone. Is there another way that I can ask a question?

Yes, please click on the "Contact" link at the top of this page to send an e-mail message. Our staff will respond to inquiries as soon as possible.

When do I receive my Student Account Statement?

Student Account Statements are issued every month and are typically due on the 22nd of every month (except for the first statement of the semester, please review your statement for the due date). No paper statements will be mailed. Students and Authorized Payers will receive an email when the statement is ready to view and pay.

Charges billed and unpaid by the due date will be subject to a late fee of 1.5%. There will also be a financial hold placed on the student account preventing enrollment in future courses, and delivery of the diploma (if graduating) until the past due balance is paid.  Please be advised that payments made online via LionPATH (students) or CASHNet (Authorized Payers) are posted immediately to the student account. Mailed payments may take up to 7-10 business days to be received and posted to the student account. 


I can't log in as an Authorized Payer to the payment website with my password. What do I do?

Authorized Payers can reset a password by following the steps below:

  • Navigate to public.lionpath.psu.edu and click "Login" in the Authorized Payer section.
  • Enter your authorized user ID and click on "Forgot Password"
  • Enter the email address associated with your Authorized Payer access, and click "Continue"
  • Your user name, a temporary password, and a link to log in will be emailed to you. When you log in, you will be prompted to change your password.
  • If you are unsuccessful, your student will need to reset your Authorized Payer password.

Steps for students to reset the Authorized Payer password:

  • Log in to your Student Home Base in LionPATH
  • Click on "My Finances" on top of the page
  • Select “Manage My Account/ Make A Payment” to get to your Student Account Dashboard
  • Once on your Student Account Dashboard, click on your name, and then in the “Payers” section of the page, click on the pencil icon next to the name of the Authorized Payer
  • You will see the Authorized Payer name and email address, and payer access. Verify that the email address is correct.
  • Click "Resend payer invitation" to generate a new email invitation with a temporary password
Why doesn't the student account statement reflect all of the aid listed on my Aid Offer?

Penn State issues monthly student account statements. Your student account statement reflects the  anticipated aid information that is available at the time of billing.

To view up-to-date anticipated aid, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Student Home Base in LionPATH
  2. Click on "My Finances" on top of the page
  3. Select "Manage My Account/Make A Payment" to go to your Student Account Dashboard
  4. Click on "Activity Details" on the left side menu to view each anticipated aid source 

Once a student account statement is issued it is static. Any activity occurring after the student account statement is issued will appear on the "Account Details" and will be listed on the next student account statement.

Please note: the awarding and disbursement of financial aid is managed by the Office of Student Aid. To submit an email inquiry to the Office of Student Aid, go to: https://studentaid.psu.edu/resources/contact-us

Where can I see the delinquent balance that I still owe for a previous semester?

If you haven't paid your balance for a prior semester follow these steps to view the balance you owe:

  1. Log in to your Student Home Base in LionPATH
  2. Click on “My Finances” on top of the page
  3. Select “Manage My Account/ Make A Payment” to get to your Student Account Dashboard
  4. Click on the link  "Make Payment" to view the balance you owe
I have enough aid to cover my current tuition bill, but it's asking me for payment for a previous semester. Can I use my refund from the current semester to pay for my outstanding (prior semester) balance?

Federal regulations state that financial aid for a future semester cannot be used to pay a prior semester balance. Even if you are expecting a refund for spring semester, you need to pay the outstanding prior balance from the prior semester.

To view your prior semester balance owed, log in to your Student Account Dashboard by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your Student Home Base in LionPATH
  2. Click on “My Finances” on top of the page
  3. Select “Manage My Account/ Make A Payment” to get to your Student Account Dashboard
  4. Click on the "Make a Payment" link
How does Authorized Payer work for parents with multiple students at Penn State?

If you have more than one student at Penn State, regardless of campus, you can easily link your students' accounts. However, each student will need to create a separate Payer Invitation for you, and you will receive separate temporary passwords for each student.

To link the student accounts, follow the steps below:

  1. Visit public.lionpath.psu.edu and click on the Authorized Payer Access tab.
  2. Use your Authorized Payer user ID and password you received via email. You must use the correct User ID and password when accessing each student’s account and you must log in at least once to each account to be able to link the students’ accounts. Once the student accounts are linked you only need to log in to one of the student accounts.
  3. Navigate to the My Account section on the left side menu of the Student Account Dashboard.
  4. To use Authorized Payer access for multiple students, click on the pencil icon next to the student’s name on the Overview section on the left side menu. 
  5. The student’s page displays the name of the student you are currently viewing. If another student has given you access to view their account, and you have logged in at least once to that student’s account, you will see that student’s account listed as other students (click the View box to switch to the other student account).


What is the Greek Membership Fee on my Student Account?

The Greek Membership Fee provides enhanced support to the University's Greek-letter community.  The fee for IFC or Panhellenic chapter members is $90 per semester. For Multicultural Greek Council or National Pan-Hellenic Council members, the fee is $30 per semester. Students will see the fee listed on their account statement every semester that they continue membership in a Greek organization. If you who have questions about the fee, please contact the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life at 814-863-8065 or [email protected].

More information is available at the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life's website.

When will the fall billing statement be issued?

The Board of Trustees approves the tuition rates and mandatory fees for the academic year in mid-July.  The Office of the Bursar issues the first fall semester billing the first week of August. The due date is indicated on the billing statement. Students and Authorized Payers will receive an email when the student account billing statement is ready to view/pay.

Additional information on tuition billing dates is available on the Bursar's website.

When will the link to the Installment Payment Plan be available?

The link to enroll in the Installment Payment Plan will be available once the first billing statement of the semester is issued (January for spring, May for summer, and August for fall). The student and any authorized payers on the account will receive an email when the statement is ready to view/pay. 

Once the link to enroll in the Installment Payment Plan is available, you can follow these steps:


  1. Log in to your Student Home Base in LionPATH
  2. Click on "My Finances" on top of the page
  3. Select "Manage My Account/Make A Payment" to get to your Student Account Dashboard
  4. Click on “Payment Plans” on the left side menu and click on “View payment plan options”
  5. Follow the instructions to enroll in the Installment Payment Plan

If you are unable to access the Student Account Dashboard through the link “Manage My Account/Make A Payment” in LionPATH, please make sure your pop-up blockers have been disabled.

Authorized Payers:

  1. Log in to the Student Account
  2. Once on the Student Account Dashboard, click on the “Payment Plans” on the left side menu and click on “View payment plan options”.

Additional information is available on the Payment Options section of the Bursar's website.  


Who do I contact regarding my graduate assistantship/fellowship and my bill?

The student account statement is prepared with the billing and financial aid information available at the time the statement is prepared. For questions about the status of a graduate assistantship/fellowship, please contact your department. 

I'm getting a loan from an Indian bank or financial institution. Can I use Flywire?

Yes, you can still use Flywire to make your payment. Make sure to include the loan borrower as the sender in this case. After making your payment request, you will be provided with a disbursement or authorization letter along with the bank instructions from your Flywire dashboard. The authorization letter will demonstrate that Flywire is acting as the only and official authorized international payment processor and the end recipient of your payment is your institution. You should provide your bank with both documents in order to complete the bank transfer.

Additional information on payments from India.

About eStatement

How do I claim a PA 529 Guaranteed Savings Plan tuition payment?

If you are planning on using Pennsylvania 529 GSP funds, please follow the steps below:

Student Instructions

  1. After you receive an e-mail notification that your billing statement is available, log in to your Student Home Base in LionPATH
  2. Click on "My Finances" on top of the page
  3. Select "Manage My Account/Make A Payment" to get to your Student Account Dashboard
  4. Select "Statements" on the left side menu
  5. Click “Save” to download and save a PDF copy of the Billing Statement for the account owner to submit with the Payment Authorization Form(PAF)or with an online qualified withdrawal.

The PA 529 GSP payment, as well as any additional personal payment being made by other means, must be received by the statement due date in order to avoid any late fees.

Account owner instructions

  1. Complete the Payment Authorization Form (PAF) provided by PA 529 GSP or access your account online at www.pa529.com to print a PAF or complete a qualified withdrawal online.
  2. If completing a qualified withdrawal online, upload an electronic copy of the billing statement(see #4 above).
  3. If completing a paper PAF, mail or fax both the PAF and the copy of the billing statement to PA 529 GSP.

PA 529 Guaranteed Savings Plan
Processing Center
PO Box 55463
Boston, MA 02205
Fax: 617-559-2452

Please note: Penn State cannot request funds from a PA 529 GSP account on behalf of the account owner. Therefore, please DO NOT mail your PAF to Penn State.

PA 529 GSP mails PAFs in July or early August for the fall semester and in October for the spring semester. Summer PAFs are provided upon individual request. Additionally, a PAF can be obtained online at www.pa529.com or by calling 1-800-440-4000.

Where will the e-mail notices be sent?

An e-mail message will be sent to the student's official University e-mail account when the Student Account Statement is available to view and/or pay on LionPATH.

What do I do if I don't have a Penn State User ID and password?

If you are a current Penn State student, information can be found on the Account Services website.


How can I authorize my parents or others to view and/or pay my Student Account Statement?

Instructions to grant Authorized Payer access.

Does the University charge for electronic payments?

There is no service fee for eCheck payments. A 2.25% service fee applies to all credit and debit card payments.

What if I have a third party paying my Student Account Statement?

Authorized Payer access should not be granted to employers, organizations, sponsors, or other third-party organizations. Instructions on how to grant authorized payer access to the student account.

Billing/Payment Problems

I made a payment by eCheck and it is not showing up on my bank statement, did you receive it?

Online payments will be reflected immediately on your student account. However, it may take 1-7 business days before they are reflected in your bank account.

I mailed my payment, where is it?

Please allow 7-10 business days for your payment to be received and posted to the student account.  We receive an extremely high volume of payments at the start of the semester. Additional processing time can be expected during this time. Please monitor your student account. 

If the check has cleared your bank account, please fax a copy of the front and back of your check to 814-865-2979. Please include the PSU ID and name of the student.

As a reminder, payments made online are posted immediately to the student account.

eStatement Payment and Payment Options

How do I claim a 529 Tuition payment?

These instructions are for all 529 programs except the Pennsylvania Guaranteed Savings Plan. If you have a Pennsylvania Guaranteed Savings Plan 529, please see "How do I claim a PA 529 Guaranteed Savings Plan tuition payment?"

Student Instructions

  1. After you receive an e-mail notification that your billing statement is available, log in to your Student Home Base in LionPATH
  2. Click on "My Finances" on top of the page
  3. Select "Manage My Account/Make A Payment"
  4. Select "View" or "Download" in the "Your Statements" section.
  5. Print a copy of the billing statement to submit to your 529 plan if necessary. Print any additional copies of the billing statement if needed.

The 529 payment, as well as any additional personal payment being made by other means, must be received by the statement due date in order to avoid any late fees.

Penn State cannot request funds from a 529 plan on behalf of the account owner/student, Therefore, please DO NOT mail your Payment Authorization Form (PAF) or PAF copies to Penn State.

If you have a Texas Tomorrow, Michigan Education Trust (MET), College Illinois!, South Carolina Tuition Prepayment Program (SCTPP), Kentucky’s Affordable Prepaid Tuition (KAPT), or Alabama Prepaid Affordable College Tuition Program (PACT) plan, please select the "Contact Us" link to let us know about your expected 529 payment amount.

Your 529 payment(s) can be mailed to:

Penn State
Office of the Bursar
103 Shields Building
664 Curtin Road
University Park, PA 16802

This mailing address is also listed on your tuition bill as well as on our website at Bursar.psu.edu. Please include your Penn State Student ID number and your full name with your 529 payment(s).


How do I pay my Student Account Statement?

Instructions to login to your Student Account to pay your balance.

Can I pay by credit card?

Yes, Penn State accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. There is a 2.25% service fee for each credit card online payment. We cannot accept credit cards by mail, phone, or in person. All payments are done online via LionPATH.

More information on payment options.

I want to pay by eCheck. Where can I find my routing and account numbers?

This information can be found at the bottom of your paper check. You can view a sample check to see where to find these numbers.

We highly recommend that you contact your financial institution if you do not have a paper check or cannot locate this information. 

Is there a penalty for a returned check or eCheck?

Yes, you will be assessed a $25 fee for each returned item. As a security measure, a failed payment attempt or attempts will result on the system placing an irrevocable negative service indicator on your student account, which will prevent you from using eCheck/check as payment option for the duration of your studies at Penn State. Penn State reserves the right to cancel a future semester enrollment due to a returned payment on the student account.

What are the benefits of online payments?
  • Fast and convenient method of making payments.
  • Payments are immediately reflected on the Student Account Statement.
  • Money-saving process - you no longer need to write checks or pay for stamps to send a payment in the mail.
What payment options do I have?

Payments can be made by electronic check (eCheck), credit/debit card (a 2.25% service fee applies), or paper check. Payments made online by eCheck or credit card are immediately posted to the student account. Mailed payments can take between 5 and 10 days to be received and processed.  Cash payments are discouraged. Do not mail cash.

See the payment options section of the Bursar's website.

Do you have any payment plans?

Yes, see details about Penn State's Installment Payment Plan.

What if I don't want to pay the credit card service fee?

You are not required to pay by credit card. You can pay by eCheck (no charge), paper check, or money order. University Park does not accept cash payments. For security reasons, Penn State discourages cash payments. 

How do I view my payment on my account?

To view a payment you made to your student account, follow these steps:


  1. Log in to your Student Home Base in LionPATH
  2. Click on “My Finances”  on top of the page
  3. Select “Manage My Account/ Make A Payment” to get to your Student Account Dashboard
  4. Click on “Activity Details” on the left side menu to see recent account activity since the prior billing statement
  5. If you made a payment online, click on “Transactions” on the left side menu to see a list of payments

Authorized Payers:

  1. Log in to the Student Account
  2. Click on “Activity Details” on the left side menu to see recent account activity since the prior billing statement
  3. If you made a payment online, click on “Transactions” on the left side menu to see a list of payments
Can I make a partial payment?

Yes, you can make a partial payment to your student account, but if the total balance due is not paid by the due date, a 1.5% late fee will be assessed on the total balance due. More information on all payment options

Can I mail my payment?

We encourage you to pay online with an eCheck. Online payments are posted to the student account immediately. However, if you want to mail your payment please follow these instructions:

 If mailing a check or money order, print a remittance stub from LionPATH and mail it with your check or money order made payable to Penn State to:

Penn State 
Office of the Bursar
103 Shields Building
664 Curtin Road
University Park, PA 16802
*Please include your PSU ID on your check or money order.
Please allow 5-10 days for your mailed payment to be received and posted to the student account.

Never mail cash.

What happens if I do not pay my Student Account Statement by the due date?

Please be advised, there are no due date extensions in LionPATH. If the payment is not received by the due date, you will be assessed a 1.5% late fee on the total outstanding balance due, as well as have a financial hold (negative service indicator) placed on your Student Account. This will restrict you from enrolling in future classes. Please be advised that it may take up to 7-10 business days for payments mailed to be received and posted to the student account.  However, payments made online are automatically posted to the student account.

Why is Penn State charging a fee for the use of my credit card?

Penn State made the decision to charge a 2.25% service fee to fairly distribute the costs of accepting online credit card payments to the users. The costs cover the operating costs associated with processing credit card payments including the technology structure. By charging this fee, these additional costs are being assessed to the users of this service, not to all Penn State students.  To avoid the fee, students and authorized payers can make payments by eCheck, check, or money order.

How do I know my credit card number is safe if I provide it?

The Bursar's office uses secure web pages when displaying and collecting credit card information. All references to a credit card transaction are done using your Order ID number. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) software is used to provide data encryption of your personal information such as password and credit card number.

Can I pay with Cash?

University Park does not accept cash payments. For security reasons, Penn State does not recommend to make cash payments. Commonwealth Campus students may pay with cash by visiting the Bursar/Finance office at their campus. Do not mail cash.

Financial Aid

General Questions

How do I get financial aid?

If you are interested in student aid, contact the Office of Student Aid or the student aid representative at your Penn State Campus.

Where is my financial aid?

Your Aid Offer is available in LionPATH. The Aid Offer allows you to view your financial aid information for each semester of the academic year. To access it, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Student Home Base in LionPATH
  2. Click on "My Finances" on top of the page
  3. Click on" Financial Aid" on the left navigation menu 
  4. Click on "Financial Aid Award" and select the year you wish you see

Any action required will be listed on your Student Aid Checklist. We encourage you to check your Student Aid Summary often for any updates.

How do I e-sign my Federal Direct Stafford Master Promissory Note (MPN)?

The Master Promissory Note for the Federal Direct Stafford Loan can be completed online or by contacting the Office of Student Aid. Information for completing the MPN.


I was told I have an "Entrance Hold" on my loan. What does this mean?

Federal Regulations require the completion of a Loan Entrance Counseling Session prior to the disbursement of your student loan(s). Entrance counseling provides information that will help you understand your rights and responsibilities as a loan borrower, as well as other tools to assist you with managing your loans.

A hold is placed until the Loan Entrance Counseling is complete. Information on how to complete loan counseling.  

Can my federal aid funds cover other charges on my student account (other than tuition, fees, and room and board)?

The University allows departments to assess other educationally related charges to your student account in order to consolidate billing. Some of these charges might include parking permit fees, health center charges, library fees and other miscellaneous charges. Federal Title IV financial aid funds will not automatically pay other educationally related charges; however, if you are a recipient of Federal aid funds, you may voluntarily give the University permission to pay these other educationally related charges from your federal aid funds. Please note, per federal regulations there are some fees that cannot be paid with Federal Title IV financial aid funds, even if you provide authorization in writing, such as, late registration fee, add/drop fee, service fee, installment payment plan fee, late fees, return item fee, and stop payment fee. To authorize Federal aid funds please follow these steps:

  1. Students will need to log in to their Student Home Base in LionPATH
  2. Click on "My Finances" on top of the page
  3. Click on "Permission to Use Federal Aid"
  4. Click on "Grant Permission"
  5. Follow instructions to submit request

You have the right to rescind your approval by contacting the Bursar's Office. If you rescind your approval, you will not be able to grant permission again for the same semester.


How do I complete the Loan Entrance Counseling?

In most cases, you will only need to complete entrance counseling once during your degree.

To complete the entrance counseling requirement:

Click on "Complete Aid Process" at studentaid.gov and select "Complete Entrance Counseling"

Choose your loan type, then log in with your FSA I.D.

Select the school name "PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY (THE)", and whether you are completing the entrance counseling as an "undergraduate" or "graduate/professional" student

Progress through the counseling tool until you complete all sections

The Office of Student Aid will be notified within 3-5 business days after you complete entrance counseling.

Federal Direct Stafford Loans

I was told I have a "verification hold" on my loan. What does this mean?

Your record has been selected for a process called Verification. You will need to provide some additional information to the Office of Student Aid (or the Office of Veterans Affairs) BEFORE your loan can be credited to your student account. Please review your Aid Offer on LionPATH for additional information. If you have further questions, please contact the Office of Student Aid.

I am told I have a "transcript hold" on my loan. What does this mean?

Your record indicates that you attended another school other than Penn State. Federal Regulations require you to provide a Financial Aid Transcript (FAT) from each institution BEFORE your loan can be credited to your student account. To determine the school(s) that must provide an FAT to Penn State, please contact the Office of Student Aid.


How can I be considered for grants?

The first step in being considered for financial assistance is to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 

If you need assistance completing the FAFSA, contact the Office of Student Aid at the Penn State campus nearest you.

What grants are available to Penn State students?

The Office of Student Aid website has information on Grants.

Perkins/University Loans

What is an "Exit Interview"?

If you have a Federal Perkins/University/Primary Care student loan(s), Federal Regulations and school policy require students who are no longer enrolled, or enrolled less than half-time, complete student loan exit counseling. Through this exit counseling, you will be informed of your rights and responsibilities regarding your student loans. Exit interviews provide a complete explanation of repayment, deferment and cancellation privileges.

If you are graduating or your enrollment falls below half-time status, you will receive an e-mail invitation to conduct an Online Exit Interview Session.

If you withdraw or are enrolled less than half-time and do not receive an email invitation to complete exit counseling, please contact Student Financial Services using the Contact Us form in our website and an invitation with instructions will be emailed to you. Paper exit counseling packets are available upon request. Please note, a registration hold will be placed if exit counseling is not completed.

Once the billing cycle begins on my Student Loan(s), how often will I be billed?

Upon expiration of the grace period, your student loan(s) will enter repayment and begin to accrue interest. Your loan(s) will initially be billed monthly. If you prefer a quarterly repayment plan, contact us at 814-865-6528, option 5.

When will I be billed?

Only students with loans receive loan statements from Heartland ECSI. Statements are issued on the 10th of each month by Heartland ECSI and payment is due by the first of the following month (example: loan statement generated on July 10th, will be due August 1st). Paper statements are mailed to the address on file, unless you enroll in E-bill to receive your statements electronically. Please note, Authorized Payers (with access to Penn State’s student accounts) do not have access to loan information.

How can I make a payment on my student loan(s)?

To make a payment please go to our partner's (ECSI) system and log into the web-site as follows:

  • Click on the "Sign In or Register" button at the top of the page and enter your EasyPath Profile username and password.
  • If you do not have an EasyPath Profile username or password, complete the registration process and your Heartland Key (located on prior correspondence such as a billing statement) to connect to the account to your profile.
  • If you have not received your Heartland Key through prior correspondence, you should contact Heartland ECSI Customer Service
  • Once connected, you will be redirected to your account.
  • Click on "Account Tools".
  • Available information will include but not limited to making one time or automatic online payments.

If you prefer not to pay online, our office accepts various forms of payment which include personal checks, bank checks, certified checks, and money orders.

If I do not pay online, where do I mail my student loan payments?

Checks and money orders should be made payable to Penn State. Include the appropriate portion of your billing statement with your check and remit to the following address:

Penn State
Student Financial Services
108 Shields Building
664 Curtin Road
University Park, PA 16802

What is a grace period?

A payment-free period during which no principal or interest accrues.

What happens to the payment I make?

Your loan is from a revolving fund, which means that as you repay your loan(s), Penn State is able to lend funds to other students.

Will I be charged any penalties if I prepay my loan(s)?

NO. You may prepay your loan(s) without being charged penalty fees.

If I change my name and/or address and notify another department within the University, do I need to contact Student Financial Services?

Yes. It is your responsibility to notify Student Financial Services if you change your name, address and/or telephone number. Regardless of other departments within the University that you may notify, you must also notify this office at:

Penn State
Office of the Bursar
Attn.: Student Financial Services
103 Shields Building
664 Curtin Road
University Park, PA 16802
Fax: 814-865-6535

What is a deferment?

A deferment is a payment-free period during which principal and interest do not accrue.  The Deferment section of the Bursar's website has information, forms and instructions.

If I plan on continuing my education at another University next semester, do I need to contact Student Financial Services at Penn State?

Yes. You must complete exit counseling with Student Financial Services during your last semester of enrollment at Penn State as at least a half-time student. Information on how to defer your loan payment(s) while enrolled at another institution.

What is loan consolidation? Who should I contact if I want to consolidate my student loans?

A loan consolidation combines your federally funded student loans into a single loan. The new loan reduces your number of payments to worry about each month while also reducing your payment amount with a longer repayment period. More information regarding consolidations is provided in our website. 

If you are interested in loan consolidation, contact your Federal Direct Loan Servicer to see if you are eligible for consolidation. Additional information concerning student loan consolidations and the application process is provided at the Federal Direct Consolidation Loans Information Center or by telephone at 1-800-557-7392.

What might happen to me if I do not make Perkins/University loan payments on time?

The following actions may occur on a loan in default;

  • Assessment of a $5.00 per month fee.
  • Placement of a hold that may prevent future registration.
  • Delinquency reported to a national credit bureau. Credit ratings remain on the Credit Bureau records for approximately seven years following the date of first delinquency. Delinquencies may affect your ability to obtain future loans and employment.
  • Ineligibility for future Title IV financial aid until the loan is out of default.
  • Placement of the loan with a licensed collection agency. Collection fees charged by the agency can be up to 30% of your loan balance if placed with a collection agency for the first time or 40% for subsequent collection efforts and/or litigation.
If I have questions regarding my university loan/billing statement, or if I have questions regarding Federal Perkins/ University/Primary Care student loan(s) I received from Penn State, whom do I contact?

Please call 814-865-6528, option 5, or click on the  "Contact "link at the top of this page.


What should a student do once they are notified they will be receiving a scholarship?

Please mail or fax a copy of the award letter to:

Penn State
Office of the Bursar
Attn.: External Awards
109 Shields Building
664 Curtin Road
University Park, PA 16802
Fax: 814-865-6535

It is suggested that the award letter include the scholarship name, award amount, time period of award (i.e. fall semester, spring semester, academic year, etc.), any enrollment requirements (i.e. full-time or degree seeking), student's name and Penn State ID number.

Any information missing from the award letter may be added by the student.

Why hasn't my scholarship been disbursed?

Students must keep in mind that each organization handles their scholarships differently, but here are some general guidelines:

  • Scholarship funds are disbursed into students' accounts when the funds are received.
  • If the student is given the money directly, please mail the check to:

Penn State University
Attention: External Awards
109 Shields Building
664 Curtin Road
University Park, PA 16802

  • If the check is mailed directly to Penn State and is made payable only to Penn State, the money will be disbursed into the student's account.
  • If the check is made payable to both Penn State and the student, the student will be notified by e-mail to endorse the check. Once the check has been endorsed and received by Penn State, the funds will be disbursed into the student's account.
How long will it take for the scholarship to be disbursed into the student's account?

Funds are disbursed at the beginning of the enrollment period or approximately three to five working days after they are received, whichever is later. Keep in mind that a student must be registered and in compliance with all regulations associated with the scholarship before disbursement will occur.

Will a scholarship affect my Financial Aid package?

If the student also receives Federal or State Financial Aid, the University will determine if the student's total aid package falls within the ranges specified by Federal and State Regulations.

If the student's total aid is not within the mandated range, the Federal and/or State aid will be reduced accordingly.

Please note, the awarding and disbursement of financial aid is managed by the Office of Student Aid.

To what semester(s) will the scholarship be applied?

Awards will be applied to the current semester unless otherwise specified by the scholarship sponsor.

What is the difference between a University Scholarship and an Outside Scholarship?

The recipient of a University Scholarship is selected by Penn State.

An Outside Scholarship or External Award is a scholarship that is awarded by an organization not affiliated with Penn State (i.e. professional organizations, clubs, high schools, etc.) and the awarding organization selects the recipient.

Who is eligible for Outside Scholarships?

Outside scholarships are available to students who are willing to take the time to look for them. Outside scholarships are awarded for many different reasons. The qualifications may be a specific major, a geographical area, or a special talent.

There are many sources for outside scholarships. The Office of Student Aid's website has information on outside scholarships. 

Most application deadlines are in the spring, so it is best to begin searching for a scholarship(s) in December, January or February, before the upcoming academic year. Scholarships awarded in the spring (March through June) are for the upcoming school year.


General Questions

How can I have my insurance company pay my Health Center fees?

University Health Services is now participating with outside insurances. We request that you provide UHS with your insurance information prior to or at your first visit. Please check with your insurance company to verify coverage for UHS services.

More information on coverage and UHS Services.

I need insurance for my student, who do I speak with?

We recommend that you contact the Office of Student Insurance.

Meal Plans

General Questions

Where can I find information about meal plans and LionCash+?

For questions about meal plans, please contact the Assignment Office. For LionCash+ inquiries, please contact id+Office.


General Questions

What is eRefund and how do I enroll in eRefund?

Penn State will refund a credit balance on the student account. Students should sign up for eRefund, which is a direct deposit of their refund to their bank of their choice. eRefund is only available to students at this time.

To enroll in eRefund follow these steps: 

  1. Login to your Student Home Base in LionPATH.
  2. Click on "My Finances" on top of the page
  3. Select “Manage My Account/ Make A Payment” to go to your Student Account Dashboard
  4. Scroll down the overview page and click on “Sign up” at “Sign up for direct deposit refunds!”
  5. Agree to the electronic Student Refund Authorization Agreement, and click “Continue”
  6. Complete the information requested

After an eRefund has been generated by Penn State to your financial institution, the process may take up to 3-5 business days before it will appear as a credit in your account. Please refer to your financial institution's policy concerning the availability of these funds.

How do I get a refund of the credit balance on my account?

For the quickest delivery of refunds, students should enroll in eRefund.

Why did I not get my Federal Direct PLUS refund?

The Federal Direct PLUS funds are applied to the student's tuition and fees first, and then the student's other financial aid funds are applied. Typically, the PLUS funds are used in full, and the student's other financial aid causes the credit amount on the student's account. If there are excess funds from other financial aid (non-PLUS aid), they are refunded to the student directly. Occasionally, excess funds are the result of a Parent PLUS Loan. If there are excess funds from a Parent PLUS Loan, it is refunded directly to the borrower.

If the student is entitled to a refund, how will it be handled?

When all University charges have been satisfied and the financial aid creates an overpayment, the student is entitled to a refund. Refunds can be electronically deposited into their bank account by signing up for eRefund. See more information on Penn State's Refund Policy.

Why are you holding a credit balance in my account?

When a payment is received by personal check, a 14-day hold is placed on your Student Account to ensure the check has cleared the bank. Once this time period has past, we will refund the credit balance via direct deposit to your bank account (eRefund) or via a paper check.

Why have I not received my refund?

There could be several reasons why your refund has not been processed. Here are some possible reasons:

  1. If a payment was made by personal check, a refund will not be processed for 14 days from receipt of that payment.
  2. If you are signed up for eRefund, the account information provided may be incorrect. If this is the case, you will receive an email notification.
  3. Paper refund checks are only printed and mailed once weekly. We strongly recommend signing up for eRefund for faster receipt of any future refunds. 
  4. You have not "accepted" your loans/financial aid in LionPATH.
  5. Your financial aid has not disbursed into your account. The Office of Student Aid is responsible for disbursing your financial aid. 


General Questions

If I pay the non-resident tuition rate, can I get a refund if I am reclassified?

Yes. Refund requests should be directed to the Bursar's office. Use the Contact Us form to submit your question or request.

If my Residency Reclassification petition is denied, can I appeal the decision?

Yes. A written request should be made to the University Appeals Committee on Residence Classification. You may submit additional documentation with your request for appeal, but the Committee will get a copy of your residency case file from the Residency Officer, so there is no need to resend any information previously submitted.

The student is notified in writing of the Committee's decision.

If you wish to be present at the Committee meeting, please indicate this in your letter, so that you may be notified of the meeting time and date. It is not necessary to attend the meeting in person, but if you do attend, you will have the opportunity to verbally present your reasons for believing you should be granted in-state residency. A decision is NOT made while you are present. Please Note: Only the student may meet with the Committee. Parents, other parties, advocates or representatives are not permitted to attend.

This committee meets every other month. Therefore, if your initial petition is denied, it is advantageous to submit the petition for appeal as soon as possible

What documentary evidence should I submit with my residency classification petition?

Please refer to the Residency Review section on our website for information and details on the required documentation. Once the residency review documentation has been received, the student will receive an email confirmation sent to the student’s Penn State email address.

How does Penn State define “guardianship” for purposes of determining residency status?

For purposes of determining residency status, a guardian must be an individual who has been appointed by the United States court system (i.e., court-appointed guardian). Guardianship can only be established through court order, and the student must prove that any change in guardianship is not for in-state tuition purposes, and that their guardian's presence within the state is not primarily for the purposes of education. The student must submit a copy of the file-stamped court decree appointing their guardian(s) if the student is using the guardian(s) to establish residency status.

Please note that a person other than a parent who claims the student as a dependent for income tax purposes is not considered the student's guardian solely due to that tax claim. Notarized letters, signed Affidavits, claims of guardianship under Pennsylvania school code, guardianship documentation from foreign courts, and Power of Attorney paperwork are also insufficient to establish guardianship.

Except in extremely limited circumstances, there will be no exceptions to how guardianship is established.

How can I be reclassified as a Pennsylvania resident for tuition purposes?

Please refer to the Residency Policy and Review on our website for an overview of the process.  

Once the residency review documentation has been received, the student will receive an email confirmation sent to the student’s Penn State email address.


Who makes the initial determination of a student's residency status?

The Admissions office determines a student's residency status based on the information provided on each student's application.

What is regarded as a "domicile" for determining residency classification?

Domicile is a person's existing and intended fixed, permanent, and principal place of residence.

What documentary evidence should I submit with my residency reclassification petition?

A list of potential documentary evidence for a residency reclassification petition is available on the Residency Review page of the Bursar's website.

How do I establish that I am independent from my parents in my residency reclassification petition?

Accompanying other documentary evidence, a student should submit a copy of his/her parent(s)' Federal tax return or a notarized statement from them indicating they are not providing the student's support or claiming the student as a dependent for tax reasons.

Students receiving financial aid should be classified as independent for financial aid purposes.

In addition, if the parents have taken out loans to support the student's education (such as Federal Direct PLUS loans), the student would not be considered independent, unless compelling evidence to the contrary is presented.

The student should be prepared to show that he/she has sufficient means to support him/herself.

My parent(s) own a home in Pennsylvania, does that make me a resident for tuition purposes?

No. Ownership of real estate or payment of real estate taxes in Pennsylvania does not necessarily qualify a student for residency for tuition purposes.

Residency is based on a person's domicile (a person's existing and intended fixed, permanent and principal place of residence).

Unless your parent(s) live in the home and pay PA state taxes as resident(s) of the state, ownership of real estate does not qualify a student for residency.

I have just married a person who is a life-long resident of the Commonwealth - am I now a resident for tuition purposes?

Not necessarily. Marriage to a resident of the Commonwealth is just one factor considered in the decision regarding residency. The larger factor would be the establishment of an independent, permanent domicile in the Commonwealth.

Is it possible to be a legal resident of Pennsylvania and still be a non-resident for tuition purposes at Penn State?

Yes. Residency for tuition purposes is a policy of Penn State. While you may meet the requirements to become a registered voter or a licensed driver, you still may not qualify for residency for tuition purposes.

What if I am a veteran or the dependent of a veteran receiving GI Bill® Benefits?

Beginning with the summer 2015 session, all eligible veterans and dependents receiving Chapter 33, Chapter 35 or Fry Scholarship benefits will be eligible for in-state tuition regardless of residency. Residency will be reclassified once the veteran or dependent is certified by the School Certifying Official.

"GI Bill®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill

I have now lived in Pennsylvania for a year, while attending Penn State, and have registered to vote, obtained a PA driver's license, and pay Pennsylvania state taxes. Am I now a resident for tuition purposes?

Generally, unless a student has 12 months of continuous residence in the state prior to enrollment, the student is considered a non-resident.

The 12-month requirement cannot be met while attending Penn State - the student is assumed to be in the Commonwealth for educational purposes.

Although the student might be considered a resident of the Commonwealth, the student would remain as a non-resident for tuition purposes, unless there was clear evidence that the student's circumstances had changed and that a permanent, independent domicile in Pennsylvania has been established.

What if I am a veteran but I am not utilizing GI Bill Benefits?

Beginning with the summer 2015 session, if you are a veteran and you are not using GI Bill® benefits, please contact your campus Certifying Official to determine requirements to establish eligibility for the in-state rate. List of Certifying Officials.

"GI Bill®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website


As a resident of Washington DC can DCTAG help reduce my tuition cost at Penn State?

DCTAG is the District of Columbia Tuition Assistance Grant. The DCTAG program is administered by the Office of the State Superintendent of Education.

 DCTAG is meant to expand higher education choices for eligible college-bound residents of the District of Columbia and offset the difference between in-state and out-of-state tuition and fees. However, the DCTAG program is not meant to change a student’s residency classification for tuition purposes. DCTAG pays the difference between in-state and out-of-state tuition, up to $10,000 annually ($5,000 per semester) at public colleges and up to $2,500 at private colleges in DC and private HBCUs, nationwide. Students that pay in-state tuition at their college or university are not eligible to receive DCTAG. Because funds are limited, students are advised to apply early.

Information on DCTAG can be found on the Office of the State Superintendent of Education's website.

Are children of Penn State University alumni considered residents for tuition purposes?

No. The alumni status of a student's parents does not determine his/her residency status, per Penn State's Residency Policy.

If I am living with one of my parents in another state, can I be considered a resident for tuition purposes if my other biological parent is a Pennsylvania resident?

Possibly. If the biological parent of a student is a Pennsylvania resident, the student would be considered a resident for tuition purposes, provided that supporting documentation is provided with a residency review

I am living with my grandparents, who are life-long residents of the Commonwealth. Am I a resident for tuition purposes?

No. Residency status will depend on consideration of the factors identified in the policy in order to determine whether the student has established a permanent, independent domicile in the Commonwealth. Unless the relative is a legal court-appointed guardian of the student, the relative's residency status does not impact the decision. The same applies to living with family friends who are residents of the Commonwealth.

If the parents of a resident student move to another state, will that student be reclassified as a non-resident for tuition purposes?

Possibly. A student who changes his/her place of residence from Pennsylvania to another state is required to give prompt written notice of this change to the University and shall be considered for reclassification effective with the date of such change. The written notice should be provided to the Residency Officer, 103 Shields Building, 664 Curtin Rd., University Park, PA 16802.

If a student has maintained continuous residence in the Commonwealth for other than educational purposes for a period of at least 12 months immediately prior to his/her initial enrollment at The Pennsylvania State University and, the student continues to maintain such separate residence, the residency of the parents generally does not come into play.

My parents moved out of state while I was a senior in high school - can I still be considered a resident for tuition purposes?

If the student remains in the Commonwealth and graduates from a Pennsylvania high school, it may be possible to be considered a resident for tuition purposes, depending on the circumstances of the case.

However, if the student relocates with the parents out of the state, and does not have 12 months of residency for non-educational reasons prior to enrollment at Penn State, the student would most likely be classified as a non-resident. There is no "banking" of prior time in the Commonwealth - the residency requirements relate to the 12 months preceding enrollment at the University.

My parent is active duty military, and is stationed in Pennsylvania. Do we qualify for in-state tuition?

Military personnel and their dependents who are assigned to an active duty station in Pennsylvania and who reside in Pennsylvania can be classified as residents for tuition purposes.

A student should submit a cover letter, a copy of the service member's orders, and a copy of his/her parent's deed or lease as documentation.

My parent or legal guardian is active duty military, and has maintained her/his home of record as Pennsylvania. Do I qualify for in-state tuition?

Any member of the armed forces who was a resident of Pennsylvania immediately preceding entry into the service and who has continuously maintained Pennsylvania as his/her domicile is presumed to have a Pennsylvania domicile.

A student should submit a cover letter in addition to documentation of the service member's home of record.

I am currently classified as an out-of-state student, but I am enrolling in the National Guard or Reserves and will make Pennsylvania my home of record. Do I now qualify for in-state tuition?

National Guard or Reserve members eligible to use Chapter 1606 or other Dept. of Veterans Affairs education benefit(s) will be eligible for in state tuition regardless of residency. 

I don't have a green card yet. Can I be reclassified as a resident for tuition purposes?

No. You must be a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident immigrant with a green card or I-551 passport stamp to be considered for residency for tuition purposes. If you have some extraordinary circumstances you would like considered, you may contact the Residency Officer for your campus.

What is the deadline for filing an appeal of my non-resident status and when would it be effective?

A student has until the last day of the effective semester to file his/her petition with the Residency Officer.

Any reclassification would be effective at the beginning of the semester or session during which the appeal was filed or at the beginning of the following semester or session at the discretion of the person or committee rendering the decision on reclassification.

Tax Credits

General Questions

What payments are considered qualified for tax credits and tax deduction?

Qualified payments for calculating tax credits/deductions include the following:

  • Personal earnings
  • Personal savings
  • Loans
  • Gifts
  • Inheritance

Ineligible payments for calculating tax credits/deductions:

  • Grants
  • Scholarships
  • Tax-free distributions from an Education IRA
  • Tax-free employer provided educational assistance
  • Other forms of financial aid (which you are not required to repay)
Who is an eligible dependent for claiming qualified educational expenses?

An eligible dependent is a person for whom you can claim a dependency exemption.

This generally includes your unmarried child who is under the age of 19 or who is a full-time student under the age of 24, if you supply more than half the child's support for the year.

Who receives the American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning tax credits?

The American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning tax credits result in a reduction of the annual federal income tax owed by the taxpayer(s) who claim the student as their dependent.

This tax credit may lead to a refund of previously paid federal income tax.

How do I find out the amount of my qualified tuition and related expenses?

Penn State cannot provide individual tax advice, you should consult your tax advisor with any tax questions.

For more information on Qualified Expenses, please visit the IRS website.

How do I access my 1098-T Form?

CURRENT STUDENTS:  Log into your Student Home Base in LionPATH, click on "My Finances", and select "Manage My Account/Make A Payment".

AUTHORIZED PAYERS:  Log in as an Authorized Payer Access.

Once logged in, the Form 1098-T is located in the “Tax Forms” section of the Student Account Dashboard, which contains your most recent form.  Select View or Save to see a printable version.

FORMER STUDENTS: you can access your Tax Form by logging to your student account in LionPATH with your PSU Access ID (i.e. "xyz123") and password.  Go to www.lionpath.psu.edu. If you do not remember your PSU Access ID or password, use the “Forgot my User ID”, or “Forgot my password” links. Once logged, click on "My Finances", and select "Manage My Account/Make A Payment". The 1098-T section is located on the “Tax Forms” section of the Student Account Dashboard.

Is the amount of qualified tuition and related expenses the total amount of the tax credit I can claim on my tax return?

Not in all situations. The amount of the tax credit that you may claim will depend on your individual situation. The Internal Revenue Service provides instructions on the application of the 1098-T information and eligibility requirements for the tax credits.

Please consult your tax preparer/consultant to determine how the American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning tax credits and the Deduction for Educational Expenses may apply to you or affect you.

I am an international student. Why did I receive a Form 1098-T and what do I do with it?

Penn State is required by the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to report payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses for the tax year ending on December 31 of the preceding calendar year. The Form 1098-T is the tax document used to report these payments. Students who file income taxes in the United States can use the Form 1098-T as an informational tax document used to determine eligibility for income tax credits.  

 In previous years Penn State only issued Form 1098-T to international students who requested it. Starting with reporting year 2019, Penn State began issuing a Form 1098-T for all students, including international students who may or may not be eligible to receive an education tax benefit, or who may not file taxes in the United States. 
Penn State cannot determine which international students are residents for tax purposes and cannot provide personal tax advice to students. It is each student’s responsibility to determine if they should file taxes and/or if they are eligible for a tax credit. 

Per the Directorate of International Student & Scholar Advising (DISSA):  Each year in late February, DISSA sends information on access to tax software for international students in F or J status who are determined to be “non-residents for tax purposes.” In general, anyone entering the U.S. in F or J student status are exempt from the substantial presence test for 5 years, meaning they are non-residents for tax purposes in the first 5 years.  In the 6th year, students must determine their tax status by completing the substantial presence test.  For tax year 2020, you are a non-resident for tax purposes if you entered the United States in F or J student status on or after January 1, 2015; you are a ‘resident for tax purposes’ if you entered the U.S. on December 31, 2014, or earlier.

 For more information, please refer to the Internal Revenue Service’s website or consult your personal tax adviser. 

If you are a current student, the Form 1098-T will populate to your Student Account Dashboard. To view/print it, follow these steps: 

  1. Log in to your Student Home Base in LionPATH 
  2. Click on "My Finances" on top of the page 
  3. Select “Manage My Account/Make a Payment” to get to your Student Account Dashboard 
  4. Click on “Tax Forms” on the left side menu to view or download and save/print your most recent form.
What type of circumstance would impact my eligibility to claim an educational tax credit or a deduction for educational expenses?

You may have received nontaxable grants or scholarships, tax-free distributions from an Education IRA, or tax-free employer provided educational assistance that may need to be deducted from qualified expenses to calculate the credit amount.

Can I claim an American Opportunity, or Lifetime Learning tax credit or the Deduction for Higher Educational Expenses for qualified tuition and related expenses paid in advance of when the academic period begins?

Generally, the credit/deduction is available only for payments of qualified tuition and related expenses that cover an academic period beginning in the same calendar year in which the payment was made. An exception, however, allows the taxpayer to claim a tax credit/deduction for payment of qualified tuition and related expenses made during the tax year for the academic period January, February, and March of the following year. Consult your tax preparer/consultant for tax return preparation advice.

What is Penn State's federal tax ID number?
Penn State's federal tax ID number is 24-6000376.


General Questions

How do I request a transcript?

Transcripts may be obtained from the Office of the University Registrar.


General Questions

Does my family qualify for a tuition discount if two or more children attend Penn State?

Penn State does not provide tuition discounts for families if two or more children attend.

If you need assistance with the cost of education at Penn State, please visit the financial aid office for your campus:

University Park

Financial Aid Offices at All Campuses


When does an undergraduate become an "upper division" student?

When the student has completed 59.1 or more course credits. All advanced placement or transfer credits placed on the Penn State transcript will count towards the total number of credits a student has accumulated, even if some of those credits do not meet the course requirements for graduation.  

Please be advised that a student’s tuition will increase when the Penn State transcript reflects 59.1 total credits. If the credits you are transferring or have transferred place you above 59.1 credits after the start of the semester, your tuition will increase immediately. You will receive a bill for the additional tuition in the first week of the following month.

Why are upper division and graduate instruction more expensive?

Instructional costs are determined by who teaches the course, by the number of students enrolled in the course, and by the subject being taught. Upper division and graduate courses are smaller in size and taught by senior faculty. These courses involve more specialized instruction within the student's major.

Do I have to pay tuition if I am auditing a course?

Yes, any student that audits a course is subject to pay the appropriate tuition and fees.

I dropped a course, but did not receive any tuition adjustment. Why?

Your credits must be reduced to less than full-time (12 credits) before any adjustment is considered. The effective date of the drop, in conjunction with the length of the course, determines if an adjustment is due. For more information about tuition adjustments, please review the Tuition Adjustment Policy.

Can I be reimbursed tuition for a semester if I withdraw due to medical reasons?

Students who withdraw will receive a tuition adjustment in accordance with Penn State’s Tuition Adjustment Policy. Students who are granted a retroactive withdrawal will be responsible for 100% of tuition due. Students who withdraw from a semester due to medical reasons can petition the Bursar's office for a possible one-time waiver of tuition. Petitions will only be accepted up to one calendar year after the end of the academic semester in which the medical circumstance(s) prevented the student from completing the semester. For example, if a student withdrew from a spring semester, the petition would be accepted up to the last day of the following spring semester. For instructions on the petition process, please submit a Contact Us form.  A Bursar representative will respond as soon as possible.





Should I receive a discount because my mother/father or spouse is employed at Penn State?

Yes, eligible spouses and dependent children up to the age of 26 are eligible to receive a tuition discount of 75% of the Pennsylvania in-state tuition cost, as outlined in Policy HR37.  Penn State Human Resources offers a fully automated tuition discount process for eligible spouses and dependent children. Dependent verification will need to be completed with the Employee Benefits office. In addition, please ensure that your dependents' Social Security Number is entered into Workday AND that the dependent has entered their Social Security Number at accounts.psu.edu. For additional information visit: https://hr.psu.edu/benefits/educational-privileges

Once all the information is processed by the Employee Benefits office, the tuition discount will appear on your student account. The 75% deduction will only be applied to the tuition. 

Tuition discounts will NOT be applied retroactively to previous semesters. If you have additional questions, please contact the Employee Benefits office at 814-865-1473.

Why am I being charged the Student Fee if I am a World Campus student?

World Campus students who take courses through other Penn State campuses will be assessed the Student Fee. The Student Fee is a non-refundable fee charged according to the total number of credits in which the student is enrolled immediately prior to the first day of the semester. Adding credits on or after the first day of the semester could result in a corresponding increase of the fees. Dropping credits on or after the first day of the semester will not reduce the fees charged.

What is the Student Fee (Student Initiated Fee)?

The Student Fee (Student Initiated Fee) combines the previous Student Activities Fee and Student Facilities Fee. The Student Fee supports student-centered activities, services, facilities and recreation to improve student life and is the result of a student-led initiative to be more involved in the creation and allocation of student fees. The Student Fee is calculated in the same way as the previously separate fees, based on the campus and the number of credits in which a student is enrolled. The Student Fee is mandatory, just as the previous fees. Adding credits on or after the first day of the semester could result in a corresponding increase of the fee. Dropping credits on or after the first day of the semester may not reduce the fee charged. For questions regarding the Student Fee, go to www.studentfee.psu.edu

Other Fees - Not charged through the student account

What is the sponsor administrative fee?

Sponsored students are defined as those students with full or partial funding support from a foreign government, corporation, or nonprofit organization.

To offset additional institutional costs for services required by sponsoring organizations, all sponsoring organizations will be assessed a $300 per semester fee during the fall and spring semesters, and a per semester fee of $150 during summer, for each sponsored undergraduate and graduate student enrolled at Penn State.

Additional information on the services provided to sponsoring organizations by Penn State.